Brexit - nothing good or right about it
I want to be clear that what the United Kingdom is doing by leaving the European Union is both wrong and evil. That both the USA and the UK have leaders who proudly boast of their dishonesty and their repeated marital infidelity and that the agenda of Brexit is being driven by such people should be a clear warning of whence it comes. That some, while decrying something as immoral, are, at the same time, financially profiteering from it indicates where their heart is!
Citizenship of the Union is
hereby established. Every
person holding the
nationality of a Member
State shall be a citizen of the
Union. Citizenship of the
Union shall be additional to
and not replace national
Brexit is removing rights from every single UK citizen,
of whom at least 17 million recognise and resent it!
This is particularly distressing for the 5 million people
from the UK and all over the EU who have been
actively using their rights as EU citizens to live and work in other EU member states, including the UK as it
was. In losing those rights yet other people will be
stripped of their livelihoods. The UK, in seeking independence, is walking away from the God ordained path of peace and interdependence.
The process by which this has happened is satanic: For decades there were lies told about the EU in the UK, followed by what was clearly a campaign of lies that came from the father of lies. That campaign was also one that used illegally acquired data in a manner which was
to manipulate people away from the truth. It was sufficiently fraud-ridden that had it been areal referendum the courts said it would have been annulled. Those most affected by it were
denied a vote, and many postal votes lost due to electoral malpractice. Nothing about the
campaign or the referendum made it a legitimate execution of democracy. If democracy matters even the process itself must not be accepted as just or good.
The result of the referendum demonstrated there was no clear consensus among the
people and the ongoing political battles since then have reinforced that indication. The
Withdrawal Agreement Bill received close to the same narrow conquest effectively turning
the whole process into a Pyrrhic victory. Some people are calling for healing and reconciliation, but while the subjugation persists in removing the rights of millions of people
that is immoral and impossible. Maybe it will not be practicable for a generation or more; and certainly not
while this creeping evil is still stalking the country. Indeed reconciliation with evil merely
legitimises that evil. After all, what relationship does light have with darkness?
And into this came a General Election: Historically divided between the Conservatives shifting ever more to the fiscal right and Labour lurching toward the fiscal left, while at the same time being torn in two over Brexit the UK is indeed in a sorry state. It could be argued that this is echoed in the USA between Republican and Democrat, and with leaders both sides of the Atlantic demonstrating a deficiency in morality.
Over my lifetime the pendulum has swung between unbridled capitalism and turbulent socialism. And whilst it can be argued that capitalism takes a more realistic look at what Calvinists call total depravity, socialism mandates a legalism that demolishes freedom.
But this might lead one to assume that balance is needed. The middle path, called interventionism, is a slippery slope in one way or another. The analogy of a friend of mine, relating to the Northern Ireland problem might be poignant: Imagine a ball bearing in the middle of a finely balanced tube. It is at rest, moving in neither direction. The slightest tilt and the only way to stop the ball exiting the tube is a cap on either end: Not merely one end, as rebalancing the tube will inevitably roll it past centre to the other end. That then is the problem of the middle way between capitalism and socialism.
'Let us choose to unite the power of markets with the authority of universal ideals. Let us choose to reconcile the creative forces of private entrepreneurship with the needs of the disadvantaged and the requirements of future generations. Let us ensure that prosperity reaches the poor.'
Kofi Annan
30 January 1998
World Economic Forum
Some people argue that the church or other charitable organisations should be the care distributor, not the state, in a single-ended capitalist structure. But even in countries like the USA with a very large structural church, the church has less than 1% of the resources needed for such a venture!
The problem with both capitalism and socialism is that both focus on the needs of people as individuals or families as units. These independent units are the measure of success. They are inward-looking.
The problem with both capitalism and socialism is that both focus on the needs of people as individuals or families as units. These independent units are the measure of success. They are inward-looking.
The answer is neither for the pendulum between capitalism and socialism to be held in the middle by force nor to be allowed to swing between the two extremes, but something entirely different.
What is needed is not to look towards the welfare of each independent unit, but towards the interdependent community of units; something mutually beneficial for everyone. In the world at large we observe a need for stewardship of the earth’s resources; not that merely that our unit has enough, but that all units as interdependent parts of the whole have enough.
This is the theology of enough. We must acknowledge that we have more than enough and stop striving for ever more. Brexit is, at its heart, an isolationist move to see ‘us’ as being more important than ‘them’. Us and them is always divisive and wrong! The EU, at it's heart, is a community to see everyone as 'us'.
So what of those who voted for this: They were either naïve, gullible
or, in some cases, evil. They are bearing nothing commendable.
However, it is not forgiveness needed, but pity. I feel sorry for them. They need to see a new vision with new eyes.
I've heard it argued that most people are middle of the road, neither pro-EU or anti-EU, and not really thinking it affects them, so saying they are naïve or gullible is unfair. Many are tired of the ongoing debate and just want it over. This though is an abdication of responsibility and indeed will have long-reaching effects on all citizens of the United Kingdom.
Is it really that complicated? Will it really affect
people that much? The answer is yes and no. Some of it
is technical and complicated and the average person probably won't understand it. But a lot is simple and the average
person should learn and understand it.
Much in the media talk about a deal as if when this deal is agreed that is the end of it. It isn't. This is only the Withdrawal Agreement not the future Trade Agreement. The Trade Agreement will take a further 7-10 years.
Much in the media talk about a deal as if when this deal is agreed that is the end of it. It isn't. This is only the Withdrawal Agreement not the future Trade Agreement. The Trade Agreement will take a further 7-10 years.
So, for example, as a minimum people
should understand the difference between the Withdrawal
Agreement and the future Trade Agreement(s) and the time frames for each.
'Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.'
Winston Churchill
November 1942
If Brexit happens then the next decade will be dominated with a future Trade Agreement with the EU, and then the next few decades after that with Trade
Agreements with the other 70 countries that the UK currently
has agreements indirectly through the EU.
It will be far from
over when the UK leaves the EU, indeed that will be the
start of the more serious part of Brexit! This will monopolise the news media in the UK for those decades.
Brexit will be an ongoing debate for decades to come. People don't understand this and
analogies like divorce don't tend to work either since except for child access there are
usually no desires to have a future deep relationship with one's ex-spouse, but in the case
of Brexit having zero relationship with the EU would be both extremely damaging and what
the politicians claim to be not their aim.
Sadly, I have believed for a year or so that the UK has passed the tipping point and is on the spiral downwards, so it may be too late to redeem the nation and hence what is needed is lifeboat style rescue of those who can be saved.
Universal Declaration for Human Rights
Article 21.
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country,
directly or through freely chosen representatives…
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State,
group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed
at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
So other than all the lies, fraud, electoral malpractice and manipulation
why is it wrong?
At one level it's wrong because Brexit is going in the wrong direction: It is leading towards independence rather than interdependence. But at another level, it's because it's a violation of human rights. The United Kingdom government is violating the Human Rights Conventions as specified in the Universal Declaration for Human Rights of 10th December1948.
At one level it's wrong because Brexit is going in the wrong direction: It is leading towards independence rather than interdependence. But at another level, it's because it's a violation of human rights. The United Kingdom government is violating the Human Rights Conventions as specified in the Universal Declaration for Human Rights of 10th December1948.
Brexit can now be regarded as a direct violation of the rights of millions of people in the UK who did not
vote for it, abstained or were too young to vote; but even more so those most affected by it and
yet denied a vote in both the referendum and the election of MPs in contradiction of Article
21 who had used their EU citizenship to move to another EU member state more than 15
years previously.
What of the future?
It may be God is chastising the UK for offering libations to the god of mammon and self-aggrandizement while rejecting the way of truth, community and humanity. The UK as a nation, like Narcissus, appears to have fallen in love with its own reflection and like the character in the Greek myth is degenerating into self-harm.Sadly, I have believed for a year or so that the UK has passed the tipping point and is on the spiral downwards, so it may be too late to redeem the nation and hence what is needed is lifeboat style rescue of those who can be saved.
I don’t know what will happen now to the UK, but what is clearly needed is
repentance. Not merely an apology for the terrible things it has done to millions of people
but a change of direction. The UK needs a guileless and realistic appraisal of its position in
the world; to reject the neo-feudalism it has embraced and to seek true representative government with a written codified constitution. It needs to reject the path of self-serving independence
and embrace peace, harmony and generous interdependence.
If that happens the UK could become a country that would be considered a modern democracy and a blessing to its people, and more to the point, following the way of God.
If that happens the UK could become a country that would be considered a modern democracy and a blessing to its people, and more to the point, following the way of God.
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