
Showing posts from 2014

Elephant in the room

When we lived in the USA we came to realise that there were some subjects you just couldn’t talk about with Americans - basically religion and politics. In recent years both those two have grown in importance as the world has observed American religion and politics at first hand. When a friend of mine sent me a series of photos of a herd of elephants going through the lobby of a South African hotel, the thought that they are ‘an elephant in the room’ became very real! There are an increasing number of problems arising and because they cannot be talked about, it feels like we are behaving like another animal... an ostrich with it’s head in the sand. Not that people outside the USA aren’t talking about these issues, it’s just there is no dialogue with citizens of the USA because it just becomes a slanging match and the Americans feel justifiably or unjustifiably attacked. ‘ Why don’t they love us? ’ I have heard them ask. We cannot answer that because they cannot hear. External...

25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand

Thanks to Sarah for pointing this post out...   25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand   by Heidi Priebe This expressed it so well, I HAD to comment... 1.  Getting your energy from social interaction, but disliking superficial conversations. Yes, I want to go to a party tonight. But a party full of conåtemplative people who want to alternate between taking shots and discussing the meaning of life. I love parties, in fact my wife knows that if I'm low the way to get me out of being low is to take me to one... but... parties full of shallow discussion is as wearing to an ENFP as parties in general are to an introvert 2.  Being very socially conscience but also fiercely individualistic. This means always wanting to fit in with a group, but never wanting to compromise your personality to do so. Constantly, constantly I want to fit in... constantly it causes stress to do so because I'll have to compromise my personality to do so. Huh... the stress ...