Antisemitism in 2023
This is a difficult post to write, so please bear with me. I am honoured to consider Ethan Gutmann a friend and I hope this post honours that friendship. Until earlier this year I thought Ethan and I had very a different lineage. Then I discovered I am a distant descendant of Rebecca of Flanders who was a crypto-Jewess and of the Khazar Jews of Eastern Europe who married into the Scottish royal family from which I am descended. Then I found that my great-great-grandmother was a Messianic-Jewess. But that was emotionally as far as it went. Decades ago I walked through the gas chambers of Auschwitz and I felt a sickness. Almost more so when I saw the punishment cell just 1m x 1m for four prisoners. I met survivors in Poland. Christians who claimed almost as many Christians as Jews were killed there, though I could not verify that claim. It was a memory burned into my psyche. Block 11 and (left) the "death wall", Auschwitz I, 2000 photo by Anneli Salo Then 7 Oct...