
Showing posts from 2019

Giving up on the UK?

During the last week I have seen posts on Facebook from a few significant people giving up on the UK.  Those people have been working to try to help the people of the UK see sense, some of them writing, some producing videos – all fact based – demonstrating the absurdity of Brexit. I share those feelings, so I understand them entirely, yet there is almost a sense of guilt attached.   John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961 paraphrased Charles F. Aked :  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. ' On the other hand, those people leaving Germany in 1933 had got to the point they realised their own survival depended on it. For about a year I have believed the UK has passed tipping point . I keep hoping I am wrong, but sadly nothing in the last 12 months has convinced me that I am. I see the possibility of Scotland seceding as lifeboat for some; the reunification of Ireland for others and if Wales secedes yet more....

My country or your country?

I was born in the UK, have lived in the USA and now made my home in Cyprus. Currently, as of 15th March 2019, I enjoy EU citizenship and UK citizenship and have applied for Cyprus citizenship. My primary loyalty is to the EU and to Cyprus, my British citizenship is a result of my birth. As a young person I remember the South Africa apartheid issue. I remember the boycotts of South African products and companies that invested in South Africa. I'd never been to the Republic of South Africa. I had, at that stage, no relatives or friends who lived there, yet I felt I had a right to engage with what was happening there, albeit remotely. Recently I have engaged with people from the USA over what is happening there… We have more guns per head or population in Cyprus compared to the USA yet radically less gun crime, school attacks and similar. The USA NRA are correct when then say 'guns don't kill people, people do'. And discussion about Trump. The UK held a referend...