A legal case for retaining EU citizenship?
It appears to me that, as a result of Brexit, the arbitrary deprivation of citizenship of the European Union would be against treaty obligations and hence illegal, and also against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Should EU citizens lose their status and rights as EU citizens as a result of Brexit, it could open up the UK and the EU to legal cases resulting from that Arbitrary Deprivation of citizenship. I have already heard some discussion about such cases being brought against both the UK and EU if people lose their citizenship. Citzenship is about rights, obligations and identity. The first two have potentially legal and physical implications whilst the third has psychological implications, but nevertheless should not be ignored. I believe the EU is moving in the right direction with the proposals for Associate Citizenship proposed by Charles Goerens MEP and Guy Verhostadt MEP . There are a few potential problems with that proposal. However, it addresses the core...