
Showing posts from July, 2016

Brexit: Time for radical change in the Church?

I find it ironic that the only issue in 40 years being able to vote I was not allowed to vote on the only issue that has potentially direct, immediate and significant impact on my life, the life of my children and my grandchildren.  My faith in Christ affects my life deeply, it affects my Christian community, my decision making, my profession and my patriotism.  The last was something I didn't know I even had till June 24th. There is a Christianity Today article entitled ' Brexit: Time for the Church to stop doing politics and start doing faith ' which completely misses the point and makes assumptions about those of us who are Europeans (as contrasted with Brits), about our faith, about our Christian communities, our decision making and our patriotism. There are a few valid points in that article, but on the whole it completely misunderstands a whole sector of the body of Christ, demeaning it in the process. For that reason I start with personal issues with ...